Check-in Check-out facility 24 Hrs.
Approval for the extended stay has to be obtained beforehand
Meals can be booked at the Dining Hall: (Lunch by 10:00 hrs., Dinner by 17:00 hrs.)
No claims for Loss/ damage or lapse of services will be entertained at any stage by the Institute as the services are outsourced and managed by the private contractor.
Guests are advised to get the rooms cleaned in their presence only. If the guest has no objection for getting the room cleaned in his/her absence,
he/she should deposit the keys at the reception and sign in the Key Deposit Register
Male guests are not allowed to visit the rooms occupied by female guests without prior permission from the concerned guest and vice-versa.
Consumption of Narcotics/Alcoholic drinks etc. is strictly prohibited in VH & Allied Services
In order to keep bills ready & minimize inconvenience at the time of check-out the Front Office may be kept informed about the exact departure time well in advance.
All charges are to be paid byUPI/Net banking/Card/ Cheque payable in favor of Visitors Hostel Mess account, IITK at the Front Office of VH, IITK. for Outreach center, Noida, all payments are to be paid by UPI/Net banking/Card/ Cheque payable in favor of Outreach center, Noida
Indenter booking 4 or more rooms on one indent or multiple indents are required to deposit a sum of Rs.250 per room as booking charges.
In case of cancellation of rooms, the amount so deposited shall be forfeited for the cancelled rooms only.
At the time of final settlement/preparation of bill the amount deposited, after forfeited (if any), shall be adjusted against the bills for occupied rooms. Forfeited amount is non-refundable and unadjustable in future bills.