Queries related to B.Tech./BS/Dual Degree/M.Sc. programmes
Mr. S K Shah (UG Section)
Queries related to MTech/MDes/MBA/PhD programmes
Mr. Atul Kushwaha (PG Section)
Convocation Accommodation
Queries related to accommodation
Mr. B. S. Negi
ssachin@iitk.ac.in / oic1_dosa@iitk.ac.in / gauravgp@iitk.ac.in
+91-512-259-7224 on all working days between 10.00AM to 1.00PM and 2.30PM to 4.30PM.
Technical Issue
Queries related to data/online submission
Office Automation Team
akt@iitk.ac.in / oaadmin@iitk.ac.in
If you have completed payment through payment gateway and the fee amount has been debited from your bank account but for some reason you do not receive payment successful message, please send an email to akt@iitk.ac.in / oaadmin@iitk.ac.in with details of Roll No, Transaction ID, Transaction date, Bank Name, Payment Gateway Name, Pay Mode (Net Banking & Credit/Debit Card). Do not Refresh the page or click the Back link on your browser while your transaction is in process.